Laser Engraved Pet ID Tags

Tagiffany is a leading supplier of designer pet accessories. Each one of our laser engraved pet ID tags is very durable and high quality. As a result, it will look great even if your pet is very active.

We have a huge number of tags available on our online shop. There are various categories to look through such as the Sweetie Collection, Silicone Tag Selection, and quite a few others. This way, you can choose something you think would look perfect around the neck of your beloved pet.

What Should Go On The Tag?

As a minimum, you should have your details on the laser engraved pet ID tags. This means your name and address, including the postcode. You should also ideally have some contact information so that people can reach out to you if they find your pet.

Other information you could include is:

  • Medical info
  • The name of the pet
  • Whether they are microchipped

You could also add a personality quirk if you wish, something like “very shy”.

A Helpful Necessity

A lot of pet owners won’t provide their pet with a tag. This can be because they do not realise how useful they are, they are put off getting one, or believing that the noise would be too annoying.

A collar and tag doesn’t make as much noise as you might think. If it does annoy you, there are solutions you can look into. Firstly, you could get a tag that slides onto the collar. Another option is to get a tag silencer that wraps around it to stop it from bumping into something that makes the jangling noise. There shouldn’t be anything that stops you from getting a tag for your pet.

Tagiffany provides prestige dog and cat products, including our high quality laser engraved pet ID tags. You can also check out our selection of collars and leads. With our website you can provide your furry companion with what they need.

Do not hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions. We are happy to help you choose the perfect products for your pets so you can keep them safe.